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The human mind runs on three systems:
The human system – This is things that require active thinking, this system is slower and can break down each element to help the best action.
Man up is a term used by Bedros which means fulfilling potential. Termed ‘peasants of society’ modern men are lazy and selfish. Men should strive to become better leaders, fathers,...
In the previous post we spoke about the amygdala and the stress response, I spoke about the neuroanatomy and why it occurs. I hope now you have a greater understanding of what’s happening...
The amygdala (Latin for almond) is a small circular shaped part of the brain which sits in between your temples, in line with the part of your head where your jawbone attaches to skull....
This concept itself is simple, but extremely valuable.
The world is split into 3 topics:
What you know
What you don’t know
What you don’t know you don’t know
Most people take...
Schedule time windows for eating food
Intermittent fasting allows the body time to completely digest food. Therefore meaning the stomach has the time to rest. Most people don’t...
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